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As the popularity of the internet grew, more & more people asked me to build their websites, so I thought it was about time I launched a website dedicated to just that purpose. It's changed a lot over the years, but has recently been merged into a running theme with all my other websites!

CodeXpertThis is slowly being wound-down and rolled into S-Design!
I've been web coding for years, and every once in a while something catches me out, or I've had to do a lot of research & testing to get a particular feature to work just right, and I always think I should probably write this stuff down and have some kind of code repository to store it in, so other people can find & use it to save them having to go through the same headaches as I did. CodeXpert is for just that purpose.

OneTabCurrently in development!
Do you have more than one internet connected device? Or maybe you use more than one browser? Are you tired of adding a favourite website to each browser, on each device?
A customised OneTab can prevent this duplication of time & effort. Add a favourite website once, and it's immediately available on all browsers & devices!

PufterCurrently being shut down, it was a great experiment and taught me much.
Pufter.com is a community site for gay men. It utilises HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, FLASH, JS & AJAX to create user generated content. Numerous themes, message alerts & sounds make the site highly customisable. Users can create profiles, load photos/videos, browse users online, send instant messages, 1-1 chat, create forum topics & shouts. Users can rate & tag each other, see who viewed them, add friends etc... plus LOTS more!